The very best local produce at Tasting Australia
Mark Jensen and his team have made sure to highlight some of the very best local produce on the menu. Among the many highlights are Gazander Oysters, Southern Rock Lobster and Boston Bay Mussels. Have a read below to find out more about some of the delicious produce we will be serving on the menu.

Gazander Oysters - Gazander Oysters are grown on the waters of Coffin Bay and Little Douglas Bay where the waterways are fed by the cold upwellings from the Great Southern Ocean. These waters ensure that Gazander Oysters are grown and nurtured in the purest of environments and this is evident in their quality and taste.
Boston Bay Mussels - One of the Eyre Peninsula’s most beloved exports is the famous Boston Bay Mussels. Grown in the pristine waters of Boston Bay, these mussels take advantage of the nutrient-rich waters from upwellings in the Great Southern Ocean, which results in a beautiful sweet mussel.

Southern Rock Lobster - As its name suggests, the Southern Rock Lobster is found in the Southern waters of Australia and New Zealand, however this type of lobster is highly regarded around the world for its light, sweet and rich taste while boasting a firm flesh. Consequently the Southern Rock Lobster has become regarded internationally as one of, if not, the premium fine dining seafood experience. In fact, in China, the Southern Rock Lobster is commonly referred to as the ‘Dragon Shrimp’ - emphasising its status as a premium menu item.
Don’t miss your chance to enjoy this incredible dining experience. We still have limited tickets available! Click here to see the full menu and here to make your reservation.
We look forward to seeing you then and celebrating a taste of the very best that the Eyre Peninsula has to offer.